Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Life Drawing 16

A Meditation on Isolation - New Short Film

It's been about three months of work, but I'm finally ready to release my latest short film, "A Meditation on Isolation"

It's a non-narritive film, so there isn't a plot in the normal sense of the word, nor any set way the film should be interpreted. Each shot and the way the film progresses means a lot to me, but everyone is going to get something different out of it.

To quote the experiential film maker Godfrey Reggio, it's like watching a sunset with you lover - you don't ask "What does this mean?" but it can still mean a lot to you.

A Meditation on Isolation:

The film was animated with a technique I created, a type of 2D key frame animation. The music is by the amazing Laryssa Chan. You can listen to more of her work on her soundcloud, or most of the films on my youtube page.

I've decided to concentrate on some smaller projects so expect more films in the coming months, and daily updates on my art blog!

London Plant Life 13 - Capturing the Life that Grows from the Cracks of the Streets of London

Taken with a home made selective focus lens

Monday, June 30, 2014

Figure Drawing 1

I'm starting a new series of digital drawings that focus on drawing the whole human body in a variety of poses from a variety of perspectives and angles. I hope to explore the use of foreshortening and create images that have a more interesting composition

While my life drawing series focuses more on begin sensual and is always drawn from observation, these will be more geometric and sometimes drawn without a model present. 

Selective Focus 18